"No matter how much cats fight, there always seems to be plenty of kittens." - Abraham Lincoln

The Sad Facts

3,000 kittens and puppies are born each hour in the United States. Every 6.5 seconds another homeless animal dies as there is simply not enough homes to accommodate this overpopulation crisis.

Cat Math

Help HOKAFI Keep Our Furry Friends Happy and Safe


Helen O. Krause Animal Foundation, Inc., happily recommends The Spay Neuter Assistance Program or SNAP. SNAP is a not-for-profit organization dedicated solely to offering low-cost spaying and neutering for dogs and cats.

If you are in need of financial assistance, please call SNAP at (717) 732-5377 for more information. SNAP is committed to ensuring that no animal is denied this vital surgery based on financial constraints.


In addition, here are a few links for other low-cost spay/neuter options!